Building Networks to Realize Excellent Universities Based on National Values and Character in 2035.


  1. Foster a conducive atmosphere of cooperation.
  2. Establishing continuous domestic and foreign cooperation.
  3. Maintain the relevance of domestic and foreign cooperation in accordance with the vision and mission of UNTAG Surabaya and the scope of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.
  4. Maintain and increase the productivity of activities as a follow-up to domestic and foreign cooperation.
  5. Monitoring and evaluating domestic and foreign cooperation.
  6. Providing services to the academic community in the planning, implementation, and implementation of activities related to cooperation both domestically and abroad.
  7. Building awareness of the academic community about the importance of cooperation in realizing World Class University.


  1. To establish sustainable domestic and foreign cooperation.
  2. To provide facilities for the academic community in carrying out academic activities such as Tri Dharma Higher Education.
  3. To provide opportunities for each unit to have activities related to domestic and foreign cooperation.
  4. In order for the academic community to have an awareness of the importance of cooperation in realizing World Class University (WCU).
  5. To improve the quality of international academic community.